Sunday, January 25, 2009

ENRICH Environment

Global Warming is one of the largest problems today.
Given the fact that all of us are now tech-savvy,
one of the prime-factor of this bad experience is e-waste.

In metropolitan cities, approximately 89% population of
8 to 58 years age group have been using computer, if not directly, then while using many services provided to them as a part of daily life. It, not only increases electricity-consumption but evolves heat also, thus directly affecting our environment.

On the other hand, old computers and computer parts, which are un-recyclable, these doomed box of electronic, hazardous waste – the e-waste, require garbage management to be not just an essential step, but a specialized one too – especially for their reuse and recycling. Lack of education on this front is one of the major contributing factor for environmental pollution.

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